Thursday 13 August 2009

Todays gratitude list

Today i am extremely thankful and grateful for:
  1. A wonderful relaxing day to take the time to reflect on my thoughts.
  2. Another day spent with treaured loved one's.
  3. For being born me.
  4. Wonderful friends.
What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday 11 August 2009

How are you feeling?

So..i thought I'd get something going here. I would really love to know how your feeling at this point in time. Whether it's angry, happy, depressed, whatever i just want to know how your feeling right now.
Addressing how you feel NOW is a great way to tap into your emotional guidance system, EGS.
Practicing the Law of Attraction requires a lot more than just visualising what you desire, this is only part of it. The main part is creating a vibrational balance within yourself. The only way you can effectively achieve this is by being aware of how you are feeling - what feels good to you and what doesn't. If something feels good to you it means you are heading in the right direction - you are getting closer to being where you want to be. If there is something in your life that doesn't make you feel so great, maybe it's a job you hate or a relationship that is weighing you down, your not happy with your financial no anything really. You not being happy with whichever situation is your EGS's way of trying to tell you, you are falling off track - your not heading in the right direction - you have taken a wrong turn somewhere.

You get what you FEEL about what you think about.

If you look beyond you - a physical being, you will see that you are more vibration and energy. And it is only when you understand yourself as a vibrational being that you will be able to acknowledge the vibrational energy continuum that is really you.
You basically have to create a vibrational balance between your desires and your feelings.If they are not on the same wave length it is going to be virtually impossible to manifest that which you desire.
For example, if you are trying to manifest more money but your feelings towards money is lack - thus leading to worry and discouragement, it is going to be very hard for you to manifest more money into your life.
For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest in your life experience, there must be a vibrational compatibility between your desires and your feelings. If you genuinely feel good about something your thoughts of it are naturally going to be good, and the more you focus on these good feeling thoughts, the more active the vibration is, and the more of that which is a vibrational match to it is attracted to it. Eventually you will begin to see physical evidence showing up in your life that matches the essence of the way you have been feeling about that subject.

The basis of where you are and where you want to be is the basis of your personal guidance system.
OK, so your probably thinking i want to manifest more money into my life, but how am i meant to feel good about money when i don't really have any. If you continue to see things as they are and talk about them as they are nothing can change. You can not instantly see them in a very different way than they are, but you can easily mold your perspective into increasingly better-feeling places on every subject of importance to you. And as you make those vibrational shifts and feel the emotional improvements, the vibrational discrepancy between your desires and your beliefs will be resolved; you will come into perfect alignment with what you desire, and what manifests in your life experience will absolutely reflect those changes.

This brings me back to expressing gratitude for what you have. When you take time to actually recognize all the wonderful things you do have in your life, it's a lot easier to recognize more wonderful things that you may have not paid much attention to before and your perception of areas in your life which you may have not been completely satisfied with before, will begin to change.

I will go more in depth on this subject in regards to creating a vibrational alignment with Who-You-Really-Are (your inner being) when i have further developed my understanding of it.

You will discover that it is not difficult to find and activate feelings that harmonize with your desires, and when you do, your intended desires will become your manifested reality.

I am currently practicing a few techniques of how to correct your thought process, when i am more comfortable with these techniques i will present them to you.In the mean time i would love to know how your feeling at this point in time, you can reply anonymously if you wish to, but it is really important to be aware of how you are feeling.

I will start by telling you that right now i feel really optimistic. And you...

Todays gratitude list

I feel pretty great today, i ticked off a few things on my to-do list and i must say I'm quite pleased with myself.

  1. I am so thankful that i was able to book my course at uni today.
  2. I am extremely thankful for a wonderful day, that was spent with my gorgeous son.
  3. I'm grateful for another day of laughter, joy and special moments spent with loved one's.
  4. I am thankful for every opportunity that i was presented with today.
  5. I am grateful for continuous happiness.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Creating inner peace Part1

For me the discovery of creating inner peace has been an emotional and thrilling journey and still, i have a long way to go. My journey so far has forced me to really delve inside of myself. Everything about me is entirely different since my pursuit for happiness began. It's as if i finally have vision of something i was blind to before - a whole new way of living. A way that allows you to enjoy life, to see the full beauty of it.
I don't want to sound as if I'm trying to sell you something here, but I'm just really happy with my life -the life that i am creating for myself and i believe you should be too.
Creating inner peace, to me, is:
  1. Allowing yourself to feel the happiness you deserve to feel - none of us were put here - were given a chance in life to lead a life of misery, sadness, pain and/or depression.
  2. Building a good relationship with YOU. ( Up until 5 years ago i struggled with an eating disorder and up until about a year ago i struggled with self confidence issues. I've finally learnt to love ME. To accept ME for who i am, the way i am. I have learnt to better understand myself on so many different levels.
  3. Recognizing the beauty of life, the beauty that surrounds you. It's everywhere and in everything. Once you are fully able to see it, feel it and smell it you will feel a divine sense of bliss.
  4. You should RELISH life. Embrace each and everyday. Life is full of endless possibilities and opportunities.
  5. Never allowing anyone to take away or even temporarily disable your flow of inner peace. It is your choice whether you allow anyone or any situation to interrupt your happiness and general good vibe. Obviously your not a robot, you do have feelings, and certain things are going to affect you. But it is the way in which you handle people and situations that determines the control you have over your own happiness, because remember - YOU are in control of your own happiness. No one has any power over it but you, so it is your choice whether you allow anybody to interrupt it and to what level.
(Part 2 will follow shortly)

Monday 3 August 2009

Todays gratitude list

I woke up this morning feeling really energised, optimistic and generally - GREAT. I was flooded with a load of new ideas to possible further streams of income and a few projects and games i would like to try which could possibly help you to create a vibrational balance within yourself. These i will share with you soon, i want to develop the idea a little more first.
So the first on todays list is:

  1. I am extremely thankful for the new ideas i was flooded with today and the opportunites i discovered.
  2. Spending a wonderful day with my treasured family.
  3. I am very grateful for all i have received and all i am receiving.
  4. I am extremely grateful for good health, perfect eyesight and hearing.
  5. I am very grateful for my life and being born ME.

Friday 31 July 2009

Daily teaching

The power of the universe is permanently available to you, and when you understand that this power has never failed in anything it has undertaken, you can have UTTER faith that it will never fail you either.
It is your awareness and faith in this unfathomable power that connects you to it.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Todays gratitude list

Today i was in a bit of an odd mood - one i didn't find to be very pleasent and one i sort of struggled to get myself out of. But with the help of my 4 year old son (who is a breath of fresh air) and the constant recital of some affirmations i was able to climb out of it. So the first one on my list today is:
  1. I am so thankful for the fact that i understand that i have complete control over myself and how i allow other people to affect my inner peace.
  2. For my beautiful son, loving partner and a wonderful family.
  3. For the new opportunities that flooded me today.
  4. For good health
  5. For everything that i have received and everything that i am receiving.